Video: Why Copley Needs Bedside Monitors in its Emergency Department

Copley’s three fundraising events in 2024 – the Stowe Art, Wine & Food fundraiser, the Golf Scramble, and the Gravel Grinder – are raising money to purchase bedside monitors for the Emergency Department. This video features providers from Copley Hospital’s Emergency Department talking about why we need these bedside monitors and how they will enhance Copley’s ability to care for our community. 

Thank you to the following Copley providers, volunteers, and partners for participating in the video!

  • ED Physician Neil Nigro, MD
  • Executive Director of Perioperative & Emergency Services, Karen Cavender, RN
  • Amy LaRow, Physician Assistant
  • ED-Nurse Manager Liz Couto, RN
  • Copley’s Board Chair Kathy Demars
  • Dr. Robert Marsan
  • ED Nurses Dale, Roberta, and Ryan
  • Volunteers Max and Natalie
  • Morristown Rescue