Surgical Services
James and Mary Louise Carpenter Surgical Center
The James and Mary Louise Carpenter Surgical Center is located off the hospital’s main lobby; just inside the hospital’s Main Entrance and directly across from the Emergency Department. The new Center opened in 2017 and offers three (3) operating rooms, one (1) procedural room, pre-operative and post-operative beds, a dedicated waiting area for families and a consultation room for physicians and family members.
Performing more than 2,000 surgical procedures a year, Copley Hospital’s Surgical Center combines advanced technology with personalized care by dedicated and highly trained specialists.
Our surgeons work with our anesthesia team, consisting of nurse anesthetists (CRNA’s), to ease pain and discomfort for patients before, during and after surgery.
Surgical Services provided include:
- General surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Gynecology
- Urology
Outpatient Procedures provided include:
- Eye surgery (Cataracts)
- Colonoscopies and Endoscopies
- Pain Management Procedures
- Cardioversions
- Transesophageal echocardiogram
Anesthesia Team
Our anesthesia team of certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNA’s) work with you and your surgeon to ease your pain and discomfort before, during and after surgery.
Prior to surgery, your CRNA will meet with you for a preoperative medical evaluation. They will then consult with your surgical team and create a plan for anesthesia tailored specifically for you.
Our anesthesia team mixes advanced technology with personalized care to ensure you feel comfortable and secure. They work in our Surgical Center which consists of three operating rooms equipped with the latest advances in technology and staffed by a dedicated and highly trained team of surgical specialists.

Contact Information
Elective and outpatient surgeries are scheduled Monday – Friday.
Copley Hospital
528 Washington Highway
Morrisville, VT 05661
Israel Demenezes, MSN, CRNA
Michael Flaherty, CRNA
Joan Fox, CRNA
Travis Knapp, CRNA
Downloadable Resources
See the handout below to find out more about what your surgery experience will be like at Copley Hospital.