Sharon Mansfield, RN, MS, FNP-C, works directly with upper extremity specialist Dr. John Macy. She completed her Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing at Binghamton University Decker School of Nursing. Sharon received her Masters Degree in Nursing at the University of Rochester School of Nursing where she completed the Family Nurse Practitioner Program. She is a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner with Orthopaedic Experience and a Registered Nurse First Assist.
Member, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Undergraduate, B.S., Nursing, Binghamton University Decker School of Nursing
Graduate School, M.S., University of Rochester, School of Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner Program
License: Nurse Practitioner in Family Health, State of New York, Vermont
Registered Nurse, State of New York, Vermont
Certification: FNP board certification, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
RNFA, Registered Nurse First Assist
CPSI, Certified Specialist in Poison Information
AHLS, Advanced Hazardous Life Support
2016- present Nurse Practitioner, Mansfield Orthopaedics at Copley Hospital, Morrisville, VT
2015-2016 Nurse Practitioner, Canandalgua Orthopaedic Associates, Canandalgua, NY
2012-2015 Nurse Practitioner, University of Rochester, Strong Memorial Hospital,
Rochester, NY
2011-2012 Nurse Practitioner, Rochester General Hospital
2003-2011 University of Rochester, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NY
2009-2011 Nurse Practitioner
2006-2009 Staff RN
2003-2006 Certified Specialist in Poison Information
2001-2003 Clinical Team Leader, After Hours, Lifetime Health, Rochester, NY
Goodwin Veenema T., Benitez J, Benware (Manfield) S. Chemical Agents of Concern (Chapter 25). In Goodwin Veenema T (ed) Disaster Nursing and Emergency Preparedness. Springer, New York, 2007.