Quality of Care

Regular check-ups are also vital to Copley Hospital; it is how we measure the quality of care we provide to our community.

Copley’s commitment to continuously monitor and improve the quality of care – and the care with which we give it – is demonstrated across all departments and disciplines.

Members of clinical and non-clinical departments work together on teams to systemically advance our quality and patient satisfaction initiatives.

Hospital Report Card

logo for Statewide Hospital Report Card page

There you will find comparative information about Copley Hospital and all the Vermont hospitals, including:

  • Measures of quality, including process and performance measures, that are valid, reliable, and useful, including comparisons to appropriate national benchmarks for high quality and successful results.
  • Measures of patient safety that are valid, reliable, and useful, including comparisons to appropriate industry benchmarks for safety.
  • Measures of hospital-acquired infections that are valid, reliable, and useful, including comparisons to appropriate industry benchmarks.
  • Valid, reliable, and useful information on nurse staffing, including comparisons to appropriate industry benchmarks for safety. This information may include system-centered measures such as skill mix, nursing care hours per day, and other system-centered measures for which reliable industry benchmarks become available.
  • Measures of the hospital’s financial health, including comparisons to appropriate national benchmarks for efficient operations and financial health.
  • Summary of the hospital’s budget, including revenue by source, the one-year and four-year capital expenditure plans, the depreciation schedule for existing facilities, and quantification of cost shifting to private payers.
  • Data that provides valid, reliable, useful, and efficient information for payers and the public for the comparison of charges for higher volume health care services.

Please visit our pages on this website to read about our:

Our Quality of Care Reports

Compare Hospital Report Cards

Measuring how patients evaluated their Copley experience allows us to improve and also recognize staff for outstanding performance. We monitor our patient satisfaction through the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) and through our ongoing work with NRC to survey our patients.

Here is the link to access the VT Department of Health Hospital Report Card Webpage.


If you have concerns about your care at Copley Hospital, we want to know.

Concerns may be shared in person or in writing to:

Quality Management Department
Copley Hospital
528 Washington Highway
Morrisville, VT 05661
Phone: 802.888.8351
Fax: 802.888.8159

To share your concern with someone outside of the hospital, you may contact:

Board of Health
VT Department of Health
P.O. Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402
Phone: (802) 657-4220
Toll-Free (in Vermont): 800.745.7371

To file a complaint about a Physician or Provider:

Board of Medical Practice
VT Department of Health
P.O. Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402
Phone: 802.657.4220
Toll-Free (in Vermont): 800.745.7371

To file a complaint about a Nurse or Nursing Assistants

Secretary of State Professional Regulation 800.439.8683

To file a complaint of abuse, neglect or exploitation:

Vermont Agency of Human Services
VT Division of Licensing and Protection
103 South Main Street, Ladd Hall
Waterbury, VT 05671-2306
Phone: 802.241.2345
Fax: 802.241.2358
Online report form to report abuse.