Our History
From the October 7, 1908 edition of the News & Citizen:
“This may be sufficient for an introduction at this time when we would pause hesitatingly and reluctantly on the threshold of that severest of seasons–winter, and almost unthinkingly ask what it has in store for us, that season when there is more pain, sickness and misery, than at other times, on account of climatical conditions, that season when we should all have the greatest charity toward our fellow men, and the spirit of charity especially toward those who are the most needy, I am going to introduce the topic of this article – “A Consideration of the Founding of a Hospital in Morrisville” by Dr. George L. Bates.

Through the energy of Dr. George L. Bates and the philanthropic support of Alexander Hamilton Copley, Copley Hospital – the idea introduced in 1908 – became a reality in 1932.
Copley Hospital opened its doors September 1932, replacing “the old Wheelock Place” on Washington Highway near the upper end of Maple Street in Morrisville, Vermont.
In May 1933, the Copley Hospital Auxiliary formed and to this day its mission remains the same: to raise funds for Copley Hospital.
In 1948, Copley Hospital admitted its 10,000th patient.
Thanks to community support, a new facility was built further down Washington Highway opening in November 1958. The former hospital later became a nursing home.
A new wing was opened in October 1968, providing 22 more patient beds for a total of 54 beds.
A 50th Anniversary Celebration of Copley Hospital was held on January 25,1980 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the hospital. It was January 25, 1930 that Alexander Hamilton Copley and nine area residents signed the original Articles of Association for the not for profit Copley Hospital Corp.
Same-day Surgery and Cancer Therapy were introduced in 1981; a precursor to the robust Outpatient Services Center Copley now offers.
In July 1982, the New York Times credited Copley Hospital as an important factor in drawing skilled specialists to the area in a lengthy feature article entitled “As Physician Supply Swells, More Doctors Choose Life in Rural America.” An excerpt: “A major attraction for these doctors is Copley Hospital, now a modern 54-bed facility with the latest in nuclear medicine, ultrasound diagnostic devices and the like.”
Always a not-for-profit community hospital, Copley continues to provide a unique blend of quality, compassionate, personalized, state-of-the-art medical care in a warm and friendly environment.
Over time we have grown as the community has grown and changed to meet the changing needs of those we serve. Now with more than 65 specialists, Copley provides a full range of inpatient and outpatient care, including 24-hour emergency services, Mansfield Orthopaedics and the Copley Birthing Center.
2022 is the 90th Anniversary of Copley Hospital since opening its doors in September 1932.